Augment Reality

Augment Reality

Augmented reality (AR) technology can be a valuable tool for architects during the design process, and my work demonstrates how AR can be used to enhance the design process. By combining models in Blender and using AI and prompts to generate images, we were able to select appropriate images and model them in Rhino, creating physical models using 3D printing.

To showcase these models, I developed an AR application in Unity and C# that uses QR code recognition to locate the model and display a virtual version in the app. With this AR technology, clients can swipe left and right or up and down in the app to replace different parts of the model with different materials, providing a visual representation of various material combinations. Additionally, clicking on the screen generates random agents that navigate through the model, providing an interactive experience between the architect and the building.

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Unreal World Building

Future Room

Unreal Engine 5.0

Using the Unreal Engine 5.0, we can create highly immersive and detailed virtual worlds with stunning graphics and realistic physics. With the ability to render and generate animations, we can bring virtual worlds to life, creating engaging and interactive experiences for a wide range of applications, from video games to architectural visualizations.

Space Settlement in the Future
Space Settlement in the Future

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UCLA Fall: Augmented Reality Behavior

Course Description

This past fall, Anyone Corporation (most notable for their journal Log) presented an exhibit titled Model Behavior. The director of Anyone Corporation, Cynthia Davidson said that “Models, whether physical or digital, are intrinsic to architecture. Just as other fields, such as science, mathematics, politics, and economics use models to visualize, reflect, and predict behaviors, so do architectural models…Model Behavior interrogates how architectural models elicit and project social behaviors. Objects on view represent a multitude of disciplines ranging from toys and scientific models to traditional physical architectural models.”1 Among model types investigated is augmented reality (AR), which is represented by wa.k studio’s 4 Square House model. The AR portion of the model allows users to change light and season, use a camera clipping plane to cut an angled section, as well as view the house’s inhabitants: a tree and animated agent.

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Digital Fabrication

Parametric model generation with Grasshoper
Parametric model generation with Grasshoper
Parametric model generation with Grasshoper
Parametric model generation with Grasshoper

Parametric model generation with Grasshoper
Parametric model generation with Grasshoper
Parametric model generation with Grasshoper

Parametric Design

Grasshopper is a powerful tool for creating parametric Digital Fabrication models that can be customized by adjusting various parameters to achieve the desired outcome. This flexibility allows designers and architects to iterate quickly and efficiently, exploring multiple design options and variations until they arrive at the optimal solution.

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Artifical Intelligence in Mapping

Trained AI Images
Generating Landscape through Images
Combied Mapping

Artifical Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized many industries, and architecture is no exception. In fact, some parts of this passage was generated by chatGPT, a trained model for conversation.

With the help of AI, architects and designers can now generate and visualize building designs in a fraction of the time it would have taken with traditional methods. One of the most promising applications of AI in architecture is the generation of images to guide design and building generation. By training AI algorithms on large datasets of architectural images and designs, researchers have been able to teach these algorithms to generate new images that capture the key features of different architectural styles, such as Gothic or Art Deco. These generated images can then be used to guide the design process, providing architects and designers with a source of inspiration and a starting point for their own creative ideas. In this way, AI is not replacing architects or designers, but rather empowering them to work more efficiently and effectively, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in architectural design and building generation.

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Yunggh Project


1. WaveFunctionCollapse
2. Marching Cubes
3. Quadrilateral Grids
4. Polar Convexity
5. Straight Skeleton
6. Medial Axis
7. Erosion
8. Minimum Bounding Rectangle

C# on Grasshopper

Grasshopper is a visual programming language extension for Rhino, a 3D modeling software widely used in architecture. Architects and designers can use Grasshopper to create parametric models and design workflows using a graphical interface, which simplifies the manipulation and experimentation with complex geometries.
C# is a programming language that can be used to create custom components in Grasshopper. With C#, architects can extend Grasshopper’s functionality and create their own tools for modeling, analysis, and optimization. For example, architects can write C# scripts to automate repetitive tasks, create complex geometric forms, and analyze design performance.
Together, Grasshopper and C# provide architects with a powerful and flexible design toolset that can improve their design process, increase efficiency, and enable them to create more innovative and optimized designs.

Wave Function Collapse

I contributed Yungh by writing Grasshopper scripts in C#. The Wave Function Collapse algorithm generates rhythmic patterns based on a set of rules. This algorithm has various applications, such as creating game maps, architectural designs, and images.

Marching Cubes

Marching Cubes
Polygonising a scalar field (Marching Cubes)

Additionally, I used the Marching Cubes algorithm to resample the model based on specific parameters and reduce its vertex count, which could be helpful for rebuilding models or generating stylized architectures.

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