2260. Minimum Consecutive Cards to Pick Up

2260. Minimum Consecutive Cards to Pick Up


You are given an integer array cards where cards[i] represents the value of the ith card. A pair of cards are matching if the cards have the same value.

Return the minimum number of consecutive cards you have to pick up to have a pair of matching cards among the picked cards. If it is impossible to have matching cards, return -1.

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2259. Remove Digit From Number to Maximize Result

2259. Remove Digit From Number to Maximize Result


You are given a string number representing a positive integer and a character digit.

Return the resulting string after removing exactly one occurrence of digit from number such that the value of the resulting string in decimal form is maximized. The test cases are generated such that digit occurs at least once in number.

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59. Spiral Matrix II

59. Spiral Matrix II


Given a positive integer n, generate an n x n matrix filled with elements from 1 to n2 in spiral order.

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54. Spiral Matrix
1572. Matrix Diagonal Sum

1572. Matrix Diagonal Sum


Given a square matrix mat, return the sum of the matrix diagonals.

Only include the sum of all the elements on the primary diagonal and all the elements on the secondary diagonal that are not part of the primary diagonal.

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