MATH61 Review
Review for Math 61 - Discreted Structures at UCLA
1.1 集合 Sets
- Power set: P(x): the set of all subset
- Collection:
- Partition:
3.1 函数 Function
- 单射 injective, one-to-one
- if f(x1) = f(x2) then x1 = x2
- 满射 surjective, onto
- for each y ∈ Y, there exist some x ∈ X where f(x) = y
- 双射 bijective, one-to-one & onto
- if f is bijective, f is invertible
2.2 证明 Proof
- 直接证明 Direct Proof: p true -> q true
- 反证法 Proof by Contradiction: opposite false
- Proof by contrapositive: opposite q -> opposite p
- 分类讨论 Proof by Cases: different situations
数学归纳法 Mathematical Induction
- Basis step:
- S(n0) is true.
- Inductive step:
- 假设S(n)成立,将公式带入S(n+1),推出S(n+1)成立。
- For each n >= n0, if S(n) is true, S(n+1) is true
序列与字符串 Sequence and Strings
- Properties:
- 单调递增 increasing
- 单调递减 decreasing
- 非增 nonincreasing
- 非减 nondecreasing
- Closed formula for S:
- I = [i, j], {Sk}jk=i(j -> max)
- subsequence
- operation: 连加 ∑,连乘 Π
- string: finite sequence of char, length |a|, concatnation, substring (consective)
关系 Relations
subset of X×Y, xRy
reflective: if xRx
symmetric: if xRy, then yRx
- if for all x, y ∈ X, if xRy and yRx, then x=y
- 证明: if x!=y, then either (x, y) !∈ to R or (y, x) !∈ R
- for all x, y, z ∈ X, if(x, y), (y, z) ∈ R, then (x, z) ∈ R
partial order: 同时满足 Refelective, Antisymmetric, Transitive
total order: if each (x, y) ∈ X are comparable
- Inverse(R-1) = {(y|x) | xRy } ⊆ Y×X
等价关系 Equivalence Relations
- 同时满足 Reflective, Symmetric, Transitive
- equivalence classes:
- Partition of X: [a] = {x∈X | xRa} S = {[a] | a∈X}
- |{equivalence}| = |{partitions}|
- Relation Matrix:
- if has relationship = 1. otherwise = 0
Chapter 6. Counting method and Pigeonhole Principle
6.1 计数原理 Counting Principles
- Mutiplication Principle
- Prove if |x| = n, then |P(x) = 2n|
- Addition Principle:
- Inclusion-Exclusion Principle:
6.2 排列组合 Permutations & Combinations
- P(n, r) = n!/(n-r)!
- C(n, r) = P(n, r)/r! = n!/(n-r)!r!
- Cn = [1/(n+1)]*C(2n, n) -> catalan numbers
- k-elements selection from x (with t elements) allow repetition
- C(k+t-1, t-1) = C(k+t-1, k)
6.7 二项式定理 Binomical Coefficient
- proof equations directly
- (a + b)n = ∑C(n, k)an-kbk
- Proof by cancelling
- C(n+1, k) = C(n, k-1) + C(n, k)
- Compute coefficient: C(n, k)
6.8 鸽子洞定理 Pigeonhole Principle
- if f: X->Y where X, Y finite and |X| > |Y|, then f(x1) = f(x2) for some x1, x2 ∈ X where x1 != x2
- |X| = n and |Y| = m, let k = ⌈n/m⌉, then there are at least k distinct values a let f(a) are equal
Chapter 7 Recurence Relations
7.1 递推关系 Recurrence Relations
- String doesn’t contain the pattern “111”
- Tower of Honoi
- Find closed formula for an
常系数线性递推公式 Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relations of Order with Constant Coefficients (LHRC)
an = c1an-1 + c2an-2 + … + ckan-k where ck != 0
- ex Fibonacci numbers fn = fn-1 + fn-2 is a LHRC of order 2
- Sn = 2Sn - 1 is a LHRC of order 1
How to solve LHRC?
- t2-c1t - c2解出两个根r1和r2
- an = br1n+dr2n, n >= 0
- 带入b+d = c0 and br1 + dr2 = c1
如果是repeated root -> an = brn+dnrn, n >= 0
Chapter 8 图论 Graph Theory
8.1 图 Examples of Graphs
- 完全图 Complete grpah:
- Kn
- 二分图 Bipartite graph
- 完全二分图 Complete bipartite graph:
- Kn,m
8.2 路径与环 Path & Circle
- Connected: 所有的边在一起组成一个graph
- Component: 连接在一起的顶点和边的集合
- G is connected if G has only 1 component
欧拉环 Eulerian Cycle
- A cycle in G that includes each edge + vertex in G is called an Eulerian Cycle
- 一笔画问题
- 欧拉环的总度数是边的二倍
- G has a path with no repeated edges from v to w containing all vertices + edges <==> G is connected + v, w are the only vertices in G with odd degree
- If G contains a cycle from v to v, G contains a simple cycle from v to v
哈密顿环 Hamiltonian Cycles
- A cycle in G that contains each v exactly once is a Hamiltonian cycle
- Proof no Hamiltonian Cycles
- compute |V(G)| = n, |E(G)| = m
- find largest S ⊆ V(G) such that v1, v2 ∈ S => (v1, v2) !∈ E(G) + d(v) > 2 for v ∈ S
- if m - ∑(d(v)-2)< n (# edges needed for H.cycle), then no H.cycle
Degree Sequence
- nonincreasing order
- 证明degree sequence无法构成G
Shortest-Path Algorithm
- Dijkstra算法:
1 | dijkstra (w, a, z, L){ |
图的表示方法 Representations of Graphs
- 邻接矩阵 adjacency matrices:
- if two vertices have edge = 1. otherwise = 0
- 矩阵的n次方等于以i, j为起点的长度为n的路径的数量
图的同构 Isomorphisms of Graphs
- 如果我们可以找到一组对应关系,使得两个图G与G’上的每个顶点与每条边一一对应,则G与G’是同构关系。
- 同构是等价关系
- 两个图同构 <==> 调换顶点顺序,两个图的邻接矩阵相同
- 如何证明两个图不同构?
- use invariants to detect when graphs are not isomorphic
平面图 Planar Graphs
- 可以画成边不交叉的图叫做平面图
- 面 Faces: 由平面图切割的区域叫做面
- f = e - v + 2: 面数 = 边数 - 顶点数 + 2
- 因此,如果G不满足此条件,则G不是平面图
Series Reduction
- 减去顶点v并减去其两条边,然后将连接的两个顶点相连接
图的同胚 Homeomorphic
- 通过series reduction进行减去顶点,如果能将两个图变为同构的,则二者同胚。
- 同胚是等价关系
平面图判断 Kuratowski
- Planar Graph <==> G does not contain a subgraph homeomorhpic to K5 or K3, 3
树 Tree
- simple graph, 且两点之间只有一个simple path
- rooted tree
- 树高 height 从0开始算
- Every tree with 2 or more movertices has a vertex of degree 1
- Tree is a bipartite graph
More trees
- 树的属性:
- parent
- ancestors
- child
- descendant
- siblings
- terminal vertex/leaft
- internal vertex
- subtree of T rooted at x
- graph with no cycles is called acyclic
- if T is a tree, T is acyclic + connected
- 下面四个关系是等价的:
- T is a tree
- T is connected & acyclic
- T is connected & |E(T)| = n -1
- T is acyclic & |E(T)| = n - 1
生成树 Spanning Trees
- subgraph T of G such that T is a tree where V(T) = V(G) is called a spanning tree of G
- G存在生成树 <==> G是连通图
- 如何找到生成树?
- 计算完全图的subgraph数量
- 用组合C求出总量
- 注意需要除以重复的环
- 如果对称,需要除以2
最小生成树 Minimal Spanning Trees
- MST: 在weighted graph G中,最小生成树的边加权最小
1 | prim (w, n, s): |
二叉树 Binary Trees
- 满二叉树 full binary tree
- each vertex has 0 or 2 children
- if a full binary tree T has i internal vertices, then T has i + 1 terminal vertices & 2i+1 total vertices
- 证明:V(T) = 2i + 1
- 比赛场数可以用满二叉树计算:
- 比赛场数(internal vertices)= 队伍总数(terminal vertices)- 1
- 可组合的可能性:2# internal vertices
- 二叉树的树高为h,且有t个terminal vertices,则log2t <= h
树的同构 Isomorphisms of Trees
- 5个顶点的树有3种不同构的组合
- Proof by cases,从可能的最高度数到最低度数,通过度数证明
Rooted Tree的同构:
- rooted trees如果同构,则两者的root必须相同
- 4个顶点的rooted trees有4种不同构的组合
- 二叉树如果同构,则两者的左子节点与右子节点必须对应
- 3个顶点的二叉树有5种不同的同构方式
- 由n个节点组成的二叉树不同构的数量Cn
- Cn = [1/(n+1)]*C(2n, n) -> catalan numbers
1 | bin_tree_isom(r1, r2){ |
MATH61 Review